Coco-peat Substrate - 600g
This is the best substrate to use for pet tarantulas, Giant Burrowing cockroaches, scorpions, Darkling beetles, Stag beetles and more! It holds moisture well, is able to hold its shape for burrows. It can also be mixed with other substrates like sand and sphagnum moss depending on what your pet insect or pet spider needs.
- 600g pre-mixed and ready to use coco-peat substrate
Coco-peat substrate
I found coco peat an awesome substrate for my tarantulas They have no trouble getting in and building burrows here and there add some bark and they are right at home it’s great for holding moisture Which helps with humidity Thank you minibeast staff
Coco peat. Substrate 600g
I find the tarantulas love this stuff and it holds the moisture really well And the bigger bag is great if you’ve got a few friends to look after Thanks again guys
Coco peat
A must have the tarantulas love this stuff They don’t hold back on burrowing in And retains moisture beautifully Thanks again guys
Great Substrate
This is my favorite substrate to use as a base. Highly recommend.
Awesome substrate
Perfect substrate for baby tarantulas as its soft enough for them to burrow into and holds its shape well when they line it with silk.
Perfect tarantula substrate.