Experienced Keepers

We know our bugs!

Minibeast Wildlife is owned and operated by Deanna and Alan Henderson. Combined they have over 50 years experience keeping and breeding Australian invertebrates on a professional level.

Deanna and Alan manage Minibeast Wildlife together from Kuranda Queensland, and also have a branch in Victoria. They supply live invertebrates to zoos, museums, universities and hobbyists throughout Australia.

The couple worked at Melbourne Museum from 1999 to 2010. They played key roles in the development of the extremely popular exhibition Bugs Alive! and were responsible for its ongoing operation, and the management of all living displays at the Museum.

Deanna and Alan have both presented at international conferences about live invertebrate breeding, display, and education. They are the authors of 'Bugs Alive! - A guide to keeping Australian invertebrates', published by Museum Victoria. This book has received a 2008 Whitley Award, and won the 2009 ARAZPA Publication Award and has been reprinted three times. Alan is a qualified biological macro-photographer. His invertebrate images are featured in many books throughout the world, including his own title Minibeasts - True rulers of our world and the key to our survival.

Deanna and Alan lead a team of experienced, dedicated keepers who are excited about bugs, and know how to give invertebrates the best possible care in captivity.

Minibeast Wildlife wants to share this passion and knowledge with you! Please let us know if we can help you out with anything you need to know about caring for these amazing animals.