A Fringed Jumping Spider in a kit to get you started!
Adult body length 10mm - sold as unsexed juveniles
- Suitable for experienced keepers.
- Mildly venomous.
- Feeds only on other live spiders.
- Captive bred through our environmentally sustainable breeding program.
- All Minibeast Wildlife animals are covered by our seven day Minibeast Guarantee and have a free downloadable Care Guide
- Guaranteed to be mite and parasite free.
This kit includes:
- A juvenile (unsexed) Fringed Jumping Spider
- A Spiderling Raising Enclosure (suitable for juvenile and adult Fringed Jumping Spiders)
- A misting bottle
You will need:
- Access to small live spiders for food - Grey House Spiders are ideal
- A small amount of sphagnum moss or other substrate to retain moisture and provide humidity.
- Twigs for the spider to climb on.
Good little enclosure kit
Very well recommended for convenient space management and awesome little hunter