Giant Grasshopper (Valanga irregularis) Want a whopper hopper? This is the grasshopper for you!
Adult length 60-70mm
- One of Australia's largest grasshoppers.
- Easy to keep, make great displays.
- Enjoy basking and like warm conditions.
- Sold as unsexed juveniles.
- Feeds on various grasses, plants and Minibeast Wildlife's Grasshopper Food.
- Captive bred through our environmentally sustainable breeding program.
- All Minibeast Wildlife animals are covered by our seven day Minibeast Guarantee and have a free downloadable Care Guide
- Guaranteed to be mite and parasite free.
You will need:
- An enclosure
- Access to live grasses and plants
- A misting bottle
- Grasshopper Food
A "whopper hopper" indeed!
I'm used to keeping arachnids and phasmids, but these are quickly becoming a family favourite. Lovely creatures - big and gentle and devour leaves like there's no tomorrow. Easy to handle, but do so in a contained room because they tend to jump without provocation, even flying short distances. Sometimes they'll even leap onto you. They're surprisingly good climbers too. I've seen an adult climb up glass. I keep mine inside a mesh with live pot plants and dead bamboo sticks which they seem to approve of. This site gives great service and treats its customers well.