Pulpy Wood Mix 500g
- Mix of decomposing rainforest wood with fungal growth throughout.
- Ideal food for detritivores such as millipedes and other invertebrates such as Passalid beetles and Panesthia spp. cockroaches.
- This is the same mix used by Minibeast Wildlife to maintain and breed millipedes.
- *May contain small living organisms.
Great mix of soft, spongy, pulpy wood
I got a bulk order of many of these bags and majority were filled to the top with various sizes of wood, some more soft and crumbly than others which was good. However, some pieces of wood had mold when I received it but it wasn't big enough to be a problem. Minibeast Wildlife reply: Hi Kiara, the pulpy wood is supposed to contain fungi - this is mentioned in the product description. Fungi is very important for the health of the animals that eat pulpy wood, which is what we sell the pulpy wood for.
Healthy millipede food
My millipede loves eating this, it enjoys to walk around it and is very happy when I put a new one in for him ;)
Great quality
Impressed by the quality and the variations in sizes of wood!
Pulpy wood mix
I but this regularly for my giant red legged millipedes, they love in and have successfully bred while being fed this and some of the leaf mix.
Awesome wood mix
The pulpy wood has a lot of variation in size, with some small pieces of thin bark, all moistened and soft enough to break up with your fingers. Detritivores will love you for it.
Pulpy wood
Large quantity for a very affordable price, perfect for my millipede.
Way more than expected!
Ok, so this isn't really bad at all but I ordered three bags as I had no idea how much would actually be needed, turns out I only needed about half of one bag! Can't complain though, awesome quality and the millipedes seem pretty happy with it.
Very Thankful!
I'm very thankful that this is available. I had gotten a hold of some beetle grubs that need a decomposing wood mix to raise on. I couldn't easily get anything like this at home, and this does great in a pinch! The wood was easy to crumble and tear apart, sufficiently decomposed enough for my grubs to get by on.
Great value
At least twice as much wood as I thought there'd be, my millepedes will love it