Your pet huntsman spider just got supersized!
Adult body length 48mm, legspan up to 160mm
- One of Australia's largest and most beautiful huntsmen. These gentle giants are an amazing golden colour.
- Suitable for intermediate and experienced keepers.
- Mildly venomous.
- Feeds on live insects.
- For sale as unsexed juveniles (not fully grown). Large advanced juveniles are periodically available.
- Captive bred through our environmentally sustainable breeding program.
- Guaranteed to be mite and parasite free.
- All Minibeast Wildlife animals you buy are covered by our seven day Minibeast Guarantee and have a free downloadable Care Guide.
- An enclosure
- Access to live insect food
- A suitable vertical retreat such as a natural bark hide
- A misting bottle
Spooky arrived this morning, moved into his new home and ate a fly! He appears happy and healthy after his journey here. My kids were very inquisitive and called up minibeast to ask some questions - thank you Deanna for taking their call and being so helpful. We love Spooky Wooky Machooky
Golden Huntsman (Beregama aurea)
the Golden Huntsman is the latest acquisition for our collection, as part of my Science faculties Zoology room. What an amazing looking spider. It arrived in a timely manner and was well presented. It is a very health specimen, super active, very placid and importantly began eating almost immediately. Definitely wont be the last purchase from me for either my private collection or the school!
Best Pet EVER!!!!!!!
"Sir Legs A Lot" is the best and first pet spider I have ever kept. As soon as he arrived in his little container, I instantly fell in love with him and happily eats small crickets. Can't wait for him to grow bigger and eventually move into a bigger, better enclosure. Keep up the good work Minibeast Wildlife.
Wonderful little juvenile!
Ordered Goldie Junior last Sunday, and he/she arrived in perfect condition today (Wednesday)! I ordered the smaller 35mm spider and am super happy with both it and the packaging, but it is a little larger than when I got my female Goldie. I'm slightly worried that it is a male, because they grow faster than the females but who knows, maybe the whole batch has had an extra moult because I am one of the later customers. It has a cream colouration that will eventually turn more and more gold as the spider grows. Females live for about 3 1/2 years, I know this because I had Goldie before this one. Overall, super happy with the spider!
Golden Huntsman
Spiders in perfect condition, packaged carefully.
Golden Huntsman
First huntsman I've ever purchased, I've only had experience dealing with Heteropoda jugulans before. These behave completely differently, they're just as fast, but they move differently. The juvenile spider I received has a beautiful colour and a ravenous appetite, I've currently got it in a pop up enclosure, since I feel that offers the most security while feeding. I kept the tub it was sent in as a bowl for sphagnum moss and the little cardboard hide, which it made a web under! Never seen a huntsman weave a web like that between the two legs of the cardboard. I'm looking forward to watching this spider grow.
Great customer service
As soon as my spider, Knuckles, arrived he began his molting process and sadly died shortly after molting. I let the minibeastwildlife company know and they were very quick to reply and were super nice to me and was happy to give me a replacement. I'm really pleased with their customer service and deserves 5 stars.?
Golden Huntsman
Blondie arrived very active. Ran up my arm and onto my back when transferring him/her to the enclosure. Now safely ensconced and exploring.
Lovely spider
This one arrived healthy and happy, climbed onto my hand immediately as Iwas transferring her to a new home,Was quite surprised she was very sedate just walking over my hand,happy to find a spot in the new enclosure and settled no problem, surprisingly quick when acricket appeared tho ...Very Happy AAA+